Interni onesti
Gris agency (bcn)

Interni onesti is a family business covering interior design projects from start to finish, with total dedication to offer a comprehensive service at the level of design, quality and reliability of the brands they work exclusively with.

web design

graphic design



Rebranded by Gris Agency, Interni onesti, is a family business in the field of interior design that enhances the human side of (re)designing a home. In addition to working with a selection of Italian design firms with exclusive finishes of maximum reliability, Interni onesti takes care of preserving their quality until the installation is completed with technicians who are experts in the components they offer.


As a former graphic designer in Gris Agency, I still actively collaborate with them. In that occasion I was asked to design Interni’s website to bring to life their rebranding on a digital medium. Gris Agency provided me with a simple mockup were I could envision the look and feel of the brand as well as some general ideas about the website.  


The first step was to understand the brand and their aim to develop a comprehensive structure of contents, though sitemaping. I had to design a UI system and guidelines that were coherent and seamlessly integrated within the rebranding. Vast breathing spaces, revealing animations and smooth navigation through internal links celebrate Interni’s slogan “The tranquility under Italian design.”

By working side by side with Gris Agency we ensured a cohesive, comprehensive and clean website that met both the client’s briefing and expectations. Webcooking was in charge of the website code and development.

branding and client follow up

Gris Agency

web design

Gris Agency
Gisela Ch. de Bruijn (+UX/UI)

CODING and web development

Webcooking. Oriol Bach

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