Fundació Joan Miró Barcelona
gris agency (BCN)

The exhibition Lee Miller and Surrealism in Britain provides an insight into one of the most important poles of the Surrealist movement’s complex international network.

graphic design

art direction


While women were a central subject in Surrealist art, they aren’t always portrayed as artifacts of the movement. The exhibition Lee Miller and Surrealism in Great Britain, held by Joan Miró’s Foundation (Barcelona), brought us closer to one of the most important poles of the complex international network of the surrealist movement. The North American photographer Lee Miller and her partner, the English artist Roland Penrose, served as ambassadors of the surrealist cause in British territory and established a close relationship with Joan Miró, who maintained permanent contact with the British scene that culminated, in 1964, with a monographic exhibition at the Tate Gallery.


As part of Gris Agency, we designed and developed an advertising campaign for the exhibition including the graphic applications for the space (entrance, gallery and kids area), street ads, media banners and ads, leaflets in 4 different languages and merchandising products, that reflected on Lee Miller’s aura and contemporaneity.


The exhibition provides an insight into one of the most important poles of the Surrealist movement’s complex inter- national network. The show invites visitors to discover the activities of the Surrealist circle on British soil through the lens of one of its key members, the photographer Lee Miller.


We developed a colourful and easy-to-adapt graphic system that reflects both on the power of Lee Miller as an artist and as a woman, but that also connects with her history and surroundings. Taking a closer look to male Surrealist artists who often portrayed fragmented, deformed, and dismembered female bodies as objects of violent erotic imaginings, we decided to turn it upside down and (re)use it as way to open up conversations on the hidden figures of the movement. Here, the photographer’s first name —Lee, is disassembled in a constructive way, which in turn is raising her to the position she —and all other female figures, deserve. Both the colourful palette
and the playful typography capture Lee Miller’s drive and it is based on London’s Bulletin magazines (the most influential English Surrealist periodical, where each issue published had differ- ent colour covers).

To maintain the vibrancy of the colours, an effort was made to print all posters, brochures and invitations in Pantone colours over Sirio white and Cocoon paper.

Lee Miller and Surrealism in Great Britain is a production of The Hepworth Wakefield in collaboration with Fundació Joan Miró. The expanded version presented in Barcelona had the exclusive sponsorship of the BBVA Foundation (Barcelona).

Lee Miller and Surrealism in Great Britain is a production of The Hepworth Wakefield in collaboration with Fundació Joan Miró. The expanded version presented in Barcelona had the exclusive sponsorship of the BBVA Foundation (Barcelona).

This project was awarded with ADG-FAD LAUS BRONZE 2019. Set of coordinated elements.

Concept and design

Gris Agency
Gisela Ch. de Bruijn


Jorge Vidal & Pep Herrero (outside facade)


Colors: Pantone.
Paper: Sirio white and Cocoon paper.