Food lovers psycho killers v1 (personal)

Food lovers psycho killers is the first volume of an bianual publication. The bookazine celebrates death through an unprecedented way: feasts.

Creative concept





Food Lovers Psycho Killers comes as an unlimitedly variable biannual publication about a specific animal each; no final dishes neither ingredients. Just a specimen and everything that relates with it from a culinary point of view with a clear aim that defines it’s ‘Celebrating Dead Feasts’ baseline. For that reason, all the contents throughout the volume feature the animal as food and not as an animal itself.

Each publication functions differently. So in addition to designing a distinct layout and typography, both the photographic and text contents are crafted to ensure a cohesive, impactful outcome. Also, the materials and binding are chosen in order to pay tribute to the featured specie. None of them might formally follow specific rules, but funnily enough its coherence rests on its bizarre uniqueness. 

From the content to the binding method and format, everything is extremely intentional in this publication.

The magazine kicks off with Snakes, Volume I which appears as an uniquely dynamic and forward-looking magazine that mimics a snake itself, from the accordion bind to the sinuouS disposition of texts and images. This is the first number of a wide collection of ‘not–your–mother’s favorite food–lovers magazine.’

This 296–page monster includes four articles, two story columns, one interview, The Updated Urban Animal Dictionary, a test and its answer sheet and two specials, plus the editor’s letter, the contents section and the impressum. Everything hand–written in a rouge attitude but carefully treated. There are no official ads, although the fundings

of the magazine come from the objects and the events featured, so no one might actually notice.

The magazine begins with a welcome page: an empty plate with the image of Adam, Eve and the snake, and some cutlery close by. Yes, Folks. it is a statement that indicates that the magazine takes on the snake from a culinary point of view. The magazine is totally open to participation. In fact, the content’s section is made
out by choosing among the subscribers’ emails who’ve sent them to the magazine talking about situations or things that have happened to them with snakes. Therefore, the content section gathers the readers’ original emails.

The Updated Urban Animal Dictionary appears on each volume and the concept behind it is to show the meaning of some casual food–related expressions. In addition, these sentences are written as if the featured animal would say them. There are no lies on the section’s name, it is actually The Updated Urban Animal Dictionary.

The accordion binding method is extremely intentional as the front pages are the ‘Dead feasts’ part (the magazine itself) and the backside is the ‘Celebrating’ part where the reader discovers a gradation of vivid colors. Every section of the magazine is printed in different papers depending on it’s content, for instance, a drawing paper in creme color is chosen for the self– illustrated story column, which narrates old news found on the Internet(these were actually real). 

bookAZINE details

Volume: 296 pages
Format: 14.8 × 21 cm
Paper: HOLMEN Trnd 2.0. 80 g/sm
Printing: Risograph, orange and medium blue
Binding: staple binding + banderole and sticker